William Kates, AP USA Today 5/17/2008
" Jennifer Marsh was sick of paying high gas prices and bothered by the abandoned gas station that was an eyesore on the drive to her studio each day.
So the aspiring artist and inspired activist came up with an idea -- to cover the gas station with a colossal handmade blanket in a way that would bring greater attention to the world's dependency on oil.
"I really tried to find a good balance of art and politics. I don't want it to be just a political statement. And I don't want it to just be a sculpture," said the 27-year-old Marsh, who is finishing her master of fine arts degree at nearby Syracuse University."
Kates, William. "Artist covers old gas station with huge blanket." USA Today 5/17/2008 3 Sep 2008 http://www.usatoday.com/news/topstories/2008-05-17-3199215737_x.htm.
Marsh, Jennifer. "Documentation of Installation." http:/international fiber collaborative. International Fiber Collaborative. 3 Sep 2008
This artist's innovatiave approach brings attention to a problem expaning across the country: abandoned gas stations. Her physical treatment of the topic is drastically different than mine while be, but it deals with the same subject, and I hope my final product will be as effective.
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