"Many Photographers have been...drawn to analysing the world through the thoughtfulness and precision that is possible with large-format cameras, with or without the aid of digital post-production. "- Charlotte Cotton on Walter Niedermayr, "The Photography as Contemporary Art"
Niedermayr, was born 1952 in Balzado, Italy, where he continues to reside. His large scale photographs, often presented as diptychs or multi-panels, deal with architecture, light, and structure. Most recently, he has turned to shooting landscapes, in an overwhelming fashion similar to Burtynsky. His subjects have included unfinished buildings, tourist sites, and hospitals.
I'm attracted to his crisp, clear treatment of structure, and his dependency of one photograph on the print beside it, and wondering how something similar could work with my subjects- but could two different aesthetics be paired together? Some experimentation is in order.
Represented by the Robert Miller Gallery: http://www.robertmillergallery.com/artists/all_artists/niedermayr/niedermayr.html
No interview is available, unless you speak Italian!
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