On March 4th, young photographer Amy Stein spoke to a group of students at Virginia Commonwealth. She is very well spoken and her lecture style is easy to listen to. She was by far the best speaker the photo department has hosted.
Stein received her MFA in photography from the School of Visual Arts in 2006, and currently resides in New York City as faculty at SVA.
Stein came into photography after a career in webdesign, when the internet bubble burstin '01 and she found herself out of work. She started studying at IOP .
Her "Women & Guns" series is profound work, and she explained she came into it photographing a community she knew absolutely nothing about. In this group of photographs, Stein explores the relationships women have with teheir guns and goes into theirenviroments to capture the images.
This series eventually led her to her next work, "Domesticated". For this series, Stein worked with a taxidermist, who she strongly tauts as very much a true artist, to reenact stories and legends of animal encounters in a small town. Though Stien was living and studying in New York City at the time, she was "not intersted in the urban", but pursued instead stories in an agressive way. "This work had to me made, and I was desperate to make it", she explained. (This really struck a note with me, because that is how I felt when I began my series, which is a complete 180 from anything I've ever done.)
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