Jared Kames, VCU graduate and former Photography & Film major (he changed his concentration to independant studies), spoke to a medium sized group of students in the Business Building of Virginia Commonwealth. Kames it the founder and owner of OneTribe, a company which designs, creates and distributes original, organic body modifcation jewelry. Kames lecutured on both the artistic and commercial aspects of his ownership.
Kames discussed how contrary to todays culural climate, body modification is nothing new; it holds roots in ancient traditions, religions and cultures. He feels a connection to the myan and aztec artists, and is strongly influenced by anthropoligists. Kames became interested in creating his own jewelry as he bgan to realize that existing jewlery was totally uninspired. "These are things we do to make ourselves aesthetically pleasing", he explained, going on to say "You can find inspiration in anything."
Launched in 2003, Onetribe is now doing quite well financially. They have one retail spac, two jewelry workshops (one here in Richmond and the other in Bali). Current undertakings include the perfect reproduction of original myan/aztec jewelry, something that has never been done before. He described his company as "an art kid and four of his friends." He feels that Onetribe bridges for all societies and races, that "we're all connected". His enthusiasim is evident and his creations are very earnest, so that each piece of jewelry becomes like a little treasure.
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